(go to the cartoons section that's "not suitable for children" and watch
Billy goes to School.)
"That's a housefly, Musca domestica, and that's a cricket, Gryllus. If you kill someone you get
to find out his name."
"Daddy's writing a program to figure out the winning lottery numbers. Then he can live in Tahiti
with twenty year old women."
"The other day we were all sitting around in the park and eating these new Sun Crisp" potato chips and
suddenly there was a lot of music and the sun started singing and whistling and everyone was really happy and then the sun
sort of flew down from the sky and sang with us and was all happy and unfortunately the surface of the sun is roughly six
thousand degrees Celsius and the sun's corona is several million degrees and well long story short we're all dead and there's
not even ashes left of us - we were all completely incinerated. Dude, total twist ending there."
"This is America," said Duane Collins, a Gatlinburg, TN, distillery operator and father of five. "And
in this country, we have the God-given right to change laws we don't think are Christian. We are united in our demands that
the second law of thermodynamics be repealed, and our voice will be heard no matter what. That's just a plain fact, and nothing
anybody says can ever change it."
http://web.wt.net/~psherr/late_gate.htm '>