Half of this page is devoted to Mattholomew's puns, and the other half is devoted to Cosmo. Here is the part about
Matt's puns:
I don't see a car.
what is on your mind?
I went up to this guy the
other day. His name is Nick. I said "hey Nick... do you have a nickel? Oh wait of course you don't... because you're Nicholas
What are you up to?
About 5'8".
Don't you see my point.
He looks like a whiner,
Then pour him some
I've got my period.
Well, I've got my

This is the S. Goblin from Breath of Fire II. He reminds me of Cosmo.

Mejwell the Turnip drew me this picture of his dog, Cosmo. I want to have Cosmo but I only own one of his toes.
You cannot see that toe on this picture, but believe me, it's there.
But! This dog is not necessarily Mejwell's, only. And mine with the toe. This goatdinosaurspongeanimal
is as follows: "who is that? surely not our beloved sproingy, splatty little beastie ( and she's green )" That
is because he belongs to Alexusfish. Too. But really he's mine says I and nothing can be done to stop that even
if he's not really mine at all.