Life sucks.
That is why I am here to make it worse. I would like to complain about people. There
are far too many facets of people that drive me mad. I will illustrate these using other peoples brilliance because my brother
Michael has a scanner and I do not and I cant afford to keep going up to it.
Number one: I hate organizations. They just make everything so much more organized and that is obnoxious. Think
about, for example, countries. Countries are a form of organization. Even states are, sort of. If Texas
is a "whole 'nuther country," and Canada actually is another whole country, and then there's Europe, which is
an entirely 'nuther continent, on which are England and France, where the languages for Texas and Canada and the
other states and everything came from, and then there are all those old countries like Mesopotamia that don't exist anymore,
that are actually maybe Iraq or something . . . then look at that! There used to be that big continent before they separated,
Gaia or something (look, if I don't have this right, email with how it really is and I'll fix it and give you credit.)
For example, in North Dakota. |

Now, you see, I think it should be legal everywhere. |
In fact, I think that there shouldn't even BE the concept of legal or illegal. It's just a pain no matter how you
look at it. I will say this a million times before you stop talking to me or whatever this counts as, but it's all one
big spherical dirtball anyway. Therefore, the concept of MARRIAGE is even stupid. which brings me to another reason
why life sucks:
Reason 2: Marriage.

"you see, marriage is a bribe. . . " but not for the reasons in Hello, Dolly; it is a bribe from some unbeknownst power
(I'm getting there) that says "we need there to be more people on Earth. Therefore, you are going to have these weird
urges that you don't necessarily want that screw everything up. For example, people are just walking around, living
their lives, being friends with people, when all of a sudden, poof, it's like being friends isn't enough. And the sad
part is, that doing more is all well and good until it a) goes too far, gets you pregnant, and makes you regret it or doesn't
make you regret it if you're like that; b) looks stupid and feels stupid; c) you miss just being friends but the other person
doesn't; or d) you don't miss being friends and you get old and saggy and that isn't fun. Anyway one of the worst side
effects is what happens to your other friends, because they're all like 'look, I have friends,' and then you're all like 'but
this is sooooooooo much more important,' and the thing is that at the time you really believe it, and it is only after when
you come running back, crying for them, that you realize what you've lost because you miss so much of their lives and meanwhile
there's some empty sack that knows all about you like what you like and don't like and what you act like when you're acting
stupid and whatever else there is to know about someone and yeah." And then if you get married, well, what
the hell is that? I mean, I know you're supposed to and all, and then the kids don't feel alienated, but - but - don't
you get BORED of the other person? I mean, come on! And even if the other person is the greatest person in the
history of humankind, well, they'll probably get bored of you. The end.

This text is way too vertical. But I am going to say that religion sucks, and everything about it sucks, which
is why I am agnostic. Doesn't that sound like I'm a traitor? Well, look. First of all, if there is a God,
which there could be, then that's nice. Second of all, if there isn't a God, which is also possible, then that is also
nice. If there are several gods, then that is nice as well. But no matter what you hypothesize, it's still just
a hypothesis. There's proof for every religion, so in that essence, there is no proof. Watch it happen that one
that no one has thought of yet ends up being true. (all part of reason 3)